Accidentally in love chinese drama free download

Situ Feng visits Fangfang in the hospital and brings Yiyang steamed buns. Qingqing is determined to help Situ Feng overcome his fear of water. Qingqing's grandpa helps her set up a fake home in the village for Situ Feng's unannounced visit and invites Qingqing's friend Xiao Lan to test him. Xiao Lan interrupts Situ Feng and Qingqing's heart-to-heart in the countryside.

Yiyang blackmails Qingqing while Situ Feng is away for work. In the wake of the plagiarism scandal, Situ Feng has only days before the release to write a new song. Fangfang pleads with Yiyang to tell the truth. Qingqing's web alias receives an offer from Situ Feng's manager for the new album.

Qingqing dresses as a panda for her business meeting with Situ Feng. The clock tower responds in a man's voice when Qingqing asks it to turn back time. Yang Lanting and Xinya scheme against Qingqing during a beach outing.

Xinya ends up in the hospital after Situ Feng asks Qingqing to be his girlfriend. Situ Feng receives an urgent note from Xinya and finds himself in a bind when Lanting guilts him into leaving Qingqing. After a teary phone call with Situ Feng, Qingqing tells her grandpa she'd like to take on the family business. Xinya gets a surprise at the altar. Hua Munian offers to help Xinya overcome her sorrow. Situ Feng and Qingqing decide to reveal her true identity to fans -- but someone beats them to it.

Situ Feng disguises himself for his outing with Qingqing, who faces internet trolls and sets out to prove herself a good Samaritan. Situ Feng encourages Qingqing to devote more time to her drawings. Months later, Situ Feng receives an offer from a record label in the U.

Call Netflix Netflix. Watch all you want. Videos Accidentally in Love. Accidentally in Love: Season 1 Trailer. Episodes Accidentally in Love. Season 1. Release year: Episode 1 24m. Episode 2 27m. Episode 3 28m. Episode 4 29m. Lin Yiyang bullies Qingqing after Xinya complains to him about her.

A violent showdown triggers memories of a tragic event in Situ Feng's past. Situ Feng visits Fangfang in the hospital and brings Yiyang steamed buns. Qingqing is determined to help Situ Feng overcome his fear of water. Qingqing's grandpa helps her set up a fake home in the village for Situ Feng's unannounced visit and invites Qingqing's friend Xiao Lan to test him. Xiao Lan interrupts Situ Feng and Qingqing's heart-to-heart in the countryside.

Yiyang blackmails Qingqing while Situ Feng is away for work. In the wake of the plagiarism scandal, Situ Feng has only days before the release to write a new song. Fangfang pleads with Yiyang to tell the truth. Qingqing's web alias receives an offer from Situ Feng's manager for the new album. Qingqing dresses as a panda for her business meeting with Situ Feng.

The clock tower responds in a man's voice when Qingqing asks it to turn back time. Yang Lanting and Xinya scheme against Qingqing during a beach outing. Xinya ends up in the hospital after Situ Feng asks Qingqing to be his girlfriend. Situ Feng receives an urgent note from Xinya and finds himself in a bind when Lanting guilts him into leaving Qingqing.

After a teary phone call with Situ Feng, Qingqing tells her grandpa she'd like to take on the family business. Xinya gets a surprise at the altar. Hua Munian offers to help Xinya overcome her sorrow. Situ Feng and Qingqing decide to reveal her true identity to fans -- but someone beats them to it.

Situ Feng disguises himself for his outing with Qingqing, who faces internet trolls and sets out to prove herself a good Samaritan. Situ Feng encourages Qingqing to devote more time to her drawings.

Months later, Situ Feng receives an offer from a record label in the U. Call Netflix Netflix. Watch all you want. Videos Accidentally in Love. Accidentally in Love: Season 1 Trailer. Episodes Accidentally in Love. Season 1. Release year: Episode 1 24m. Episode 2 27m. Zhou Mo Zhang Fang Fang. View all Write Review. Other reviews by this user 5. Sep 6, 30 of 30 episodes seen. Completed 5.

Overall 9. Story 8. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Cancel. Other reviews by this user 1. Sep 15, 30 of 30 episodes seen. Completed 1. Story 9. View all. Add Recommendations.


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