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The term "content" in the Content License Agreement, which is part of the Agreement, shall also include "Music". By downloading Music from Getty Images, you accept the below additional terms and conditions to the Content License Agreement.

All terms defined in the Agreement shall have the same meaning in these additional terms. However, please note that these warranties do not prevail over any: 1 charges assessed on you or a Broadcaster of the Work pursuant to the terms of a blanket license or other written agreement between you or such Broadcaster and any performing, mechanical, or other rights society that collects and administers royalty payments or similar remuneration on behalf of music publishers, writers and performers a " Collection Society " ; 2 fees to the extent arising from your use of other musical content together with Music; or 3 fees, levies or other remuneration, the collection of which is exclusively delegated to a Collection Society by local statute, irrespective of the membership of, or any contractual mandate from, any of the writers, composers, performers or other rights holders in the Music.

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Getty Images can license the same content to other customers. If you would like exclusive rights to use royalty-free content, please contact Getty Images to discuss a buy-out. Limited to the specific use, medium, period of time, print run, placement, size of content, and territory selected, and any other restrictions that accompany the content on the Getty Images website or any other method of content delivery or in an order confirmation or invoice.

Non-Exclusive , meaning that, unless otherwise indicated on the website, your invoice, sales order or separate agreement, you do not have exclusive rights to use the content. Work means the production, program or other project in which the Music has been Synchronized. Broadcast er , meaning to cause or permit others or one that causes or permits others to cause the performance, telecast, broadcast, transmission, streaming, exhibition or distribution of the Work. AI-powered conversations with human agents.

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The patient has had an orthopedic evaluation for severe osteoarthritis but is not a candidate for surgery at this time due to his worsening pulmonary disease. He has been taking the prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication without relief and continues to have difficulty with ambulation and climbing stairs.

Patient requires physical therapy and occupational therapy evaluations and requires an assistive device for safety with all ambulation. This patient is declared homebound due to recent falls secondary to severe debilitating chronic osteoarthritis causing an unsteady gait, and need for assistive device when ambulating.

Electronically signed by M. Jones 22 National Government Services, Inc. Balance is poor-requiring use of a walker. She is homebound due to these issues. X-rays of her left hip and shoulder are normal but there is significant bruising and abrasions.

Disoriented to time with short-term memory loss noted. Breath sounds clear, no cough. Abdomen soft with active bowel sounds. All pulses present.

No pedal edema noted. Patient is legally blind and requires assistance to leave home. A PT evaluation was done as well as gait training with a cane. Patient is very hesitant to use a cane. The patient will benefit from additional gait training for safety. Need for a cane and blindness results in her being homebound. I informed the home health agency that you will be the physician approving the plan of care. She is currently homebound with a new walker for her unsteady gait and requires training and education with her assistive device and insulin therapy.

Clinical information: Nursing services are required for this 42 year old wheelchair bound paraplegic male patient to include wound care of infected stage 4 sacral decubitus ulcer. Prescription medication for dressing change requirements provided. Clinical condition- Pernicious anemia, chronic bronchitis.

Requires nursing services for vitamin B12 injections and assessment and education about her illnesses. Electronically signed by N. Note: This form is missing a title and the homebound status description is very vague, NGS says.


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